Freitag, 18. April 2008

PS3-Installation: Pressemail von Microsoft

In einer Pressemail wettert die Microsoft-PR-Abteilung gegen die 5-minütige Zwangsinstallation der PS3-Version.

Hat da jemand Angst zu wenig Einheiten an den Mann bringen zu können?

"With the OXM review hitting streets today, and your own preview impressions which are looking great, hopefully you’ll all be a bit wiser as to the ins and outs of Grand Theft Auto IV now.

I’m sure you’ve all seen the chatter from the 1UP GTA IV Preview on the PS3 install time….just a few thoughts on what you could do in this time if you were actually playing the 360 version from the moment you insert the disc….

· Steal your first dozen or so cars and test out the improved vehicle handling?

· Check out the cool features on your mobile phone?

· Rack up a 5 Star Wanted Rating?

· Have a blast of your first MP game on Xbox LIVE?

· Ditch the tracksuit chic and buy some new clothes?

· Unlock your first GTA IV Achievement and boost your Gamerscore?

….Or just start downloading a film from Xbox LIVE Video Store to watch later – check out the latest batch of arrivals this weekend!"

[Microsoft slams GTA IV PS3 install time in PR mail]

GTA IV hat Goldstatus!

Strauss Zelnick von Take Two Interactive hat bekannt gegeben, dass Grand Theft Auto IV mittlerweile Goldstatus erreicht hat und sich in der Produktion befindet. Die Auslieferung wird nächste Woche beginnen können.

[GTA4 Has Gone GOLD!]

The Social Club ist online

Der Rockstar Social Club ist nun online und ihr könnt euch ab sofort registrieren.

[Zur Registrierung]